Die Baustelle.

We are all born stars. We just choose how to shine our light. And the best time to do that is after days and long moments of darkness. It’s never my destruction. It’s an everyday birth. I literally feel like I’m born every day. I don’t know if this is related to being transgender or is it just a coping mechanism with reality and pain and dysphoria and transitioning and feeling like I’m the prisoner of a body that I don’t feel completely connected to? Will I ever be strong to look for me in you? I don’t know. I always wanted to be part of society or the mainstream people. Until I discovered that I lived for more than that, I left to stand out and not to fit them, nor fit in. It’s a celebration of diversity. Society’s attitude must change. But I will always look through you.


  • Story von: Micha Adarian
  • Photos von: Salma Abdo
Die Baustelle.